Viktor, Kye, Nena

I wouldn’t expect this group to be able to make anything more than tea. Probably more in the instant food style, some cereal, and the rest is going out or ordering in. Modern living.

That was my question. Exactly. My theory is that this apartment is only part of a big apartment complex which share at least a kitchen and an outside area. The first day the place was online a girl wearing just a long T-Shirt came in from outside (The hidden room in front of the entrance door) and got a frying pan from the kitchen (Which I think should be rather called laundry room) Anyways you can see them leave a lot and then return again. That is why I believe there is a big hidden area there.

Nothing. This is place is just boring. The others only s___p there and leave for the day…

How is that a conspiracy theory? The house with 7+ people in it has a smaller kitchen than most kitchenettes in a college dorm room. The house doesn’t have a refrigerator or even a microwave to heat up frozen burritos…:burrito: You don’t find that odd at all?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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That’s even stranger than the lack of a stove, since it’s obviously a very warm place where chilled _____s are needed.

Maybe in one of the 20+ bathrooms this place seems to have. :rofl:

Well this weekend for sure was the weekend of hiding and blind spots

  • Hiding to cook / do other things outside here
  • Hiding to change clothes in Yan & Evelyn place
  • Hiding to have sex in Mira & Henry place…

Probably filling their extra toilets full of ice to chill their _____s. :sweat_smile: :cold_face: :nauseated_face:

It is super weird. Browsing the timeline I did not see anybody eat there at all… :joy:

Maybe they live on air and love… :joy:

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Actually, this weekend is one of the strangest ones since I’ve been following.


Now JamesDeen is going to accuse you of having an eating fetish. :see_no_evil: :yum: :rofl:

Yeah I can confirm that and I follow for a long time already…

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Yesterday I assumed that the canteen for the actors was in the neighboring building.

You can rule out love as the guest couples did not have sex. So when they are not aliens my theory is they eat outside somewhere… :stuck_out_tongue:

So this apartment is probably a tourist complex?

But with long term stay I guess. I did not start to drill holes in the entrance door and change the lock in any ressorts I stayed so far. This is very odd :joy:

It kind of feels like it’s some type of hostel.

But even hostels should have some kind of fridge in an apartment this size?

Well, if the place they are staying at is poor enough. With enough money a lot of things are possible that wouldn’t normally happen.

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