Viktor, Kye, Nena

@John78 As you may have seen, Kye liked the idea of using you as a guinea pig. Now don’t mess it up in the last meters.

why dont u just stick to watching henry realms?

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He is looking for ‘D’ party and violence to make reports….:smirk: that’s y he said they are boring… He didn’t knew this is normal people normal life….! not like some other realms… where they keep giving them their advice…!

you’ve changed your tune…

@John78 You just have to memorize the sentence below. He simply says that you do not understand or speak Russian. :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Я не понимаю, я не говорю по-русски

Nah. Often the pale boobies look even more tender and suckable, like in her case. Positively yummy.

Splendid :heart: :heart: :heart:


Actually that must be the other balcony for this place.

OMG this is too much beauty. Thank you Nena for coming back :heart: :heart: :heart:


Nope that’s cam 19 the other balcony is behind this cam, look at floor plan

Now that the map is up,

This looks like it is supposed to be 3 guest rooms and Kyes is the Staff room that is the only bathroom that doesn’t look like a beach! and it is the only bedroom not connected directly to the living-room!

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Nope, that is a different house, i have my secret meetings with Nena there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy: :joy:

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non mais c’est du grand n’importe quoi ! J’ignorais que Jab était un dieu tout puissant :rofl:


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