Viktor, Kye, Nena

Correct with me +5.5 GMT

Oh ok that .5 would explain the extra 30 mins.

Привет! Угол обзора камеры был изменен! Пожалуйста, отрегулируйте его обратно! Спасибо!
Hi! The camera angle has been adjusted! Can you please readjust it? Thank you!


They fixed it now it has been put lower.

I thought that was Ratatouille and he was making them dinner. :man_shrugging:

i just hope we see that kind of guests never again

Kristen Wiig Cooking GIF by Barb & Star Go To Vista Del Mar

This guy worked very hard :bento: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :1st_place_medal:

Masturbator watching the Masterchef :rofl: sorry ToreyK couldn’t resist :wink:

Well… finally he got free to enjoy party :metal:t2::blush:



You read my mind, I was just admiring that ass :peach: :heart_eyes:

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i love that beautiful ass

:heart_eyes: :yum: :stuck_out_tongue:

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And she’s just left :cry:

The blond Britt Ekland look-a-like would make a worthy addition to the trio.

It appears to be an AstroTurf ‘carpet’, yes.

At least it doesn’t need mowing and watering every few days :smile:

Yes, that’s something for which we (all of us, including those living there - especially them, maybe), can be thankful.

Kye has finally decided to show his little ass! :laughing:
