Viktor, Kye, Nena

Ohh, i know that this is not in Bali, i only wanted to point out that they all been together and Almira is posting even now from an exotic place, so i believe there are a lot more of them there. Just my thoughts this

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Good looking bunch :partying_face:


But the other two residents social media (through what almira publicly advertised) weren’t there.

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I have Nena’s (if that’s what you mean) from the first day when they became participants on the other place, they used at first the names from social media and then changed to those ones at our request as we already got them with these names in the archive

I know, same here. But i was talking about the boys that where at previous apartment being where they are since Almira published at forum

Well seems like a lot of clickbaits. I don’t see much chemistry there …



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I think this is India, the water bottle brand is Bailley and it is sold there, type of electric sockets and time zone also suggest this house is located in India

Holy Christ how far behind is this country :thinking: A twin tub as we called them back in the day :rofl:

THis place is just super boring…

I contribute to the conspiracies: V+K+(N) hastily left Almira’s apartment, because they were covered by mobilization, and the manager cleaned them up in Turkmenistan on the shore of the Caspian Sea, in an apartment under which there is another of the chain of bars for adults of the same owner, from where they will come visits. :thinking: :dizzy_face: :crazy_face: :rofl:

Why do you keep watching?


Looking to the bathrooms, that washing machine looks pretty advanced :smile:

Woow, that’s an achievement after 24h online and 3 couples staying there :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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