Viktor, Kye, Nena

Are we playing a game now? That’s even more confusing :thinking: :man_shrugging:

Mobile addiction that cause so many in justified attacks to Ken. Was just a joke, cause i change the room and when went back saw that and remember posts about Ken being on mobile and zero about barbie at time doing the same

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Dear me, that’s way to deep and subtle :wink: :hugs: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Yeah, sorry to put so high expectancy here :grin:

Now, back to the topic, if Jolie stays with Nena&Viktor, means that Kye is loosing access to Nena ? :thinking:

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No idea what’s their intentions with her. Probably they saw that repeating threesomes all the time with the evident lack of enthusiam wasn’t being profitable at all and they had to call someone.

But notice that after what they did to that indian girl, not telling her about the cams purposes, anything related to sex basically (involving the trio) stopped. Even events only with nena&viktor are quite rare… Have to be the guest couples are putting the place on map

That will be great :pray: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m talking in the present, not in the future like it’s something already happening :grin:


I know, it’s only the optimistic in me writing now :joy:

For the other two new couples be living here the 2 ones here would have to leave as there is no space ( unless they can be accommodated in the kitchen :grin:)

But maybe the awesome sk__led tech team already is mounting the cams in others apartments

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A move was planned for January, wasn’t it?

I don’t think that the new couples will live there, even if i do like one of them (the one that slept last night in Kye’s room). Now, they said that there will be a change in January, so will see what’s happening. Again, weird for me that Jolie is with Nena&Viktor. Also that lady s___ping in the living room next to the door… it means that all the other rooms/floors in the building might be full.

Well guess next time have to talk sooner :grin:

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New girls as well?

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Damm suddenly seems everybody is running from Russia.

Nope, quite normal for this time of the year. Most of the russian sex workers are in warm places in winter time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Humm but that type of “tourism” normally it’s for dubai and similars, not much here i guess. And guys run from there… Surely their area must have lost many dicks so pussies are leaving too

They are everywhere, depending on the budget. Dubai is for the luxury ones :wink: