VHTV Post Flagging System & Emoji Reactions

S__t now I can no longer use the :laughing: when I laugh about a post of yours :joy: :joy:

permanently banned here it is over for me I would have had a lot of fun pity that it ends at least I would be reimbursed while waiting for good continuation to all took care of you cordially angela :disappointed_relieved:

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What happened then?

I did something stupid I downloaded a video from the archive they banned me itā€™s my mistake I assume

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Ok, of course thatā€™s forbidden. After all, VHTV wants us to buy coins in return.

So, say this,

-ā€œ Iā€™m sorry about this situation, I didnā€™t know something like this would happen, Iā€™m very sorry, can you forgive me? I promise I wonā€™t make such silly mistake againā€¦

maybe theyā€™ll give it a last chance to you - and of course donā€™t do this anymore ???

Permanently banned if it was your first time you should have been given another chance.

itā€™s the only mistake I made, no big deal, Iā€™ll move on, thatā€™s life

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AFAIK there is a warning issued at first. Ban happens when you do it againā€¦

no chance since he reimburses me itā€™s final

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Yes it was unless itā€™s changed now.

You can be sure Jabby that I have experienced this situation and they did not give any warning, they banned me immediately but then when I objected they examined the situation and it turned out that there was a mistake.

not for me he banned me directly

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Only for the video archive, or also for the streaming site?

Sad to hear this :cry:

Hmm maybe they changed the policy. I heard from a lot of people that there was send a warning first.
Could also be linked to how many videos got downloaded.

You got 2 warnings in one day and our systems continued detecting you violating our policies. I see you got auto-banned 3rd time in a row and I also see the refund is being issued to you too. It seems like our service is just not for you.


yes, if the refund has been made, it is impossible to return, but when the money comes back, you can make a new purchase, otherwise you can join us with a new account and payment with a new e-mailā€¦

Of course for that too I assume.

there is no death of a man as they say I move on, thatā€™s life

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