VHTV Post Flagging System & Emoji Reactions

F_____g by posting some pictures ?!? :grinning: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Sure thing boss. Here is John digging up something I said over a year and a half ago. Then taking what I said completely out of context in order to do nothing more than try to cause more unnecessary drama…

Now have I answered enough of your questions? I really want to discuss the flagging issue we are having. Not all of this other off topic stuff.

He’s right @jamesdeenV3 he didn’t call someone a retard he just questioned their intelligence, something that I was once told by him to read the guidelines for doing it once as it wasn’t acceptable behavior

Again: Reading is one thing. Understanding what I wrote is the other thing :wink:

You just showed a perfect example where YOU started attacking him. Why do you bother who and when somebody starts a topic? I do not see anything bad there at all.

His response was rather great. Beating you with your own weapons :joy:

When u wrote summer will soon come and site will get more active I understood and saw future insight…:sweat_smile:

Well good to know how leaders are working :smiling_face:

appreciate your hard work and time for it…:grin:

Hey guys go outside and get some fresh air


This post is what started all this c___dish drama but of course he will play the victim while we get the blame

That is a fact.

That is also a fact lately.

So where is the problem?

Of course you get the blame. You did not show any example yet what John was doing wrong.

i am talking about the drama and this topic going off topic. You caused all this

U know everything what m actually trying to say stop being innocent :sweat_smile::joy: okay so that’s how u wanna pretend like u know nothing then leave it… and enjoy your day… like none of this happened :sweat_smile:

Funnily enough when he gets called out on his Bulls__t he very often deletes or edits the post to cover his back so you probably won’t find anything

Oh jabba your biased is showing again. I wasn’t attacking anyone. I was asking for everyone to be treated equal when it comes to starting new realm topics. Also taking someones comments out of context in order to try to support your own narrative is just another form of manipulation and lying. How you think that is admirable is beyond me.

Honestly I’m a bit disappointed in you. I thought you were better than that.

Again. No examples. Just empty talk

Just one example, Do you see him use the term “bub” anymore?

Just let him start his topics like he wants. You can start topics when you want too. I still do not get the problem. Personally I do not care who starts a topic…

This is how a team works together :

This pattern is being repeated throughout the forum. :man_facepalming:

How so? Can you please explain to me why you believe what he said is empty talk.