Yes, they usually means better sound. So now you can better hear the moaning and slapping from the living room in the apartment where Tommy lives, or any othe apartment for that matter. Good for you
Er det Tom med den halvveise fyldige svarte og rimelig krøllete rasta flette frisyra si detta eller? He,he,he…
Fikk bare så lyst igjen.
Det er kameraten til San ja, som visstnok flytta ut i dag.
Uff, den engelske oversettelsen av norsken var virkelig ikke helt bra. Norske halvveise sleng uttrykk det skjønner virkelig ikke den oversettelsen.
Back to English again, and this is a hilarious translation
No, the translator does not cope with slang, puns or whatever. But sometimes it’s fun to try it out. Mine fared a little better, but not quite. So here is the correct one;
“Yes it is San’s friend, who supposedly moved out today.”
Alf Prøysen - Lille Vakre Anna (Pretty Little Anna)
Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band - Owed T’ Alex
Anna & Alex
The song for Anna’s got some history to it. It is an old Swedish folk song written by the young priest Bengt Henrik Alstermark in 1824, for a girl he was hopelessly in love with. The song was mostly forgotten when it got recorded in 1955 by Norwegian artist Alf Prøysen. He sung it in Swedish, with a heavy Norwegian accent. Still it became a beloved folk song in both Sweden and Norway. Since then it’s been sung and recorded by many artist from this cold and dark Northern part of the world.
Lille vakre Anna
Wow, thanks for a fun reminder. I actually remember Die Toten Hosen from back in the 1980’s. They got some attention among punk/new wave fans in Norway back then. I never got any of their records, but one of my friends had one
Toten Transport. I reckon you see the predicament of this peculiar expression. I say no more.
DeepL says this means, The Dead Pants. Is that right?
yes, that’s the right translation punk bands don’t necessarily have the most logical names…
There are even actual norwegian internet shops that physically sells Leder Hosen. Absolutely true.
sidefact: even though lederhosen are considered ‘typically German’, >90% of Germans have never worn or owned one. the same applies to visiting the Oktoberfest although… since it is a tourist magnet, there could have been a few percent more.
the image of the Germans, especially in America, was mainly shaped by emigration from Bavaria and is by no means representative of the whole country.
Lukas. He is originally Dutch. He is most definitely saying something similar. What is truly considered typically Dutch, is not necessarily by no means representative for the whole country.
You’ve already gotten your answer, but let me rant on a little anyway. I’ve always tought about it as Dead Trousers, but that of course is the same. I got a little curious, and according to the internet. it seems the band name come from a German slang expression “tote Hose” (Dead pants/trousers), which is used to describe something “that is boring, uneventful or dull”. Whether this is true we may need some Germans here to confirm
we say that, for example, to express that ‘there’s just nothing going on here’. comparable to this:
Pino Daniele - Alleria
Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan
Alleria and Chan (Chan is only a guest, though he apparently lives there)
The Stranglers - Duchess
And of course Duchess, guest girl at Alleria’s apartment
Its Only Roy - It
s Only Roy. Det fikk meg nærmest med en gang til å tenke på følgende: Voi, Voi, Høyt opp i fjellet. Voi, Voi, Jeg vil fortelle. At jeg venter på deg. Det er bare sånn hjernen min fungerer av og tel.