I really. Font know how to do a che celebrativo, bit it’s a nice coincidence me and vhtv are both Scorpio from November ,
I was going to vote but then I thought ‘hang on, none of the apartments have done anything specifically to celebrate the 5th birthday of VHTV yet’. So I didn’t.
Oh, there’s always one smart Alec.
Well exactly. I made a similar comment the other day, questioning what they have done. I don’t really get the point of this topic, to be honest!
For some reason the votes are till:
Love it, of course. Best ever
I like it the apartment is honest and the people are super super I watch 24 hours a day Yan & Flora
moi aussie pas capable de voter
maybe not 24 hours a day but i do check in on them often…very often
looks like you picked up some sub days from the other thread so you ought to be able to vote now!
Happy birthday VHTV!
Happy birthday VHTV!
It is not a vote about the appartements we prefer above all but only those who celebrate better the anniversary of vhtv , it s different , as i understand
When they do some decent party now June & Jaro might win the contest. @VHTV_James is it possible to change name of realm65 in the poll?
I love vhtv
Poll closes in 24 Hours!
@VHTV_James Not sure we can hear that bell…is it one of those new silent ‘do not disturb’ ones …or maybe one that is so high pitched, that only dogs can hear it?!
Apologies for my sarcasm, I just found the concept of silent bell ringing (as a notification), rather amusing.