VHTV Best Apartment Poll #29. 🎃 Halloween Edition! [+ Rewards 🎁]


It looks awesome :+1:

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Really difficult to chose - so many have done a really good job! The best for me are Gella WW, Finlay and Francesca, Dima and Sandra, Medea, Starlight H, Xavier, Rachel and Ross and Edrym and Roza. Still I have to chose 3 and have done so!

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When I vote the number doesn’t change…

The decorations on many places are very nice but I did not see any good party by now…


I think the main parties will be on October 31st.

Hey there :kissing_heart: Yes I think so too.

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Tonk had one the other night…

Did anything hot happen there?

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It was a party with beautiful women but no sex just kisses and hugs


Thanks now it worked.

I vote for 14 Apartments but Flora and Queen is always checked for me :hugs:
The other vote is just to spead the love around :heart:

You only have three votes :joy:


Everyone knows my honey is the QUEEN. :heart: :heart:
And if you didn’t know it yet, you know it now. :crazy_face:
But that doesn’t mean she gets my vote for the 3 best Halloween apartments.
But I still have 2 days to change my mind.
Fair’s fair

I know :joy: I do different votes each time :slight_smile:

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You know that only the last vote counts ?

Boo :ghost:


can you put Clara and Stas on the voting list please

I guess it’s LITTLE too late for that now.
I don’t know if Clara & Stas forgot to be put on the list or if @VHTV_James made a mistake, but it’s too late for a subsequent nomination.
It’s a shame for Clara & Stas, because they also put a lot of work into the great decorations for Halloween. :heart: