VHTV Best Apartment Poll #29. 🎃 Halloween Edition! [+ Rewards 🎁]

…and right in Front of a spider… brave :grin:
bad pun, I know :wink:

OK, I understand that. That’s how I would do it, too. But I think we got our wires crossed, probably because I didn’t explain it well enough.

I was talking about this picture, which I presume is also on the ceiling, IDK.

Sorry to take so long to get back to you. I fell as___p.

Starlight house has a nice decoration as well, and tmo should be in.


Philippa is also preparing, she should be in tmo.

the black halloween-monster is cruising the realm. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


She’s in. As well as Starlight. Poll starts soon


In the top it said, we should think about who might participate.

Philippa gave an emoji on my post, so may be sometimes it takes a little support for a decision.

Now as we read, VHTV confirmed, that she is in. all good. :laughing: :laughing:


So many apartments with k__ler Halloween decorations :heart_eyes: :jack_o_lantern:


Never felt envious of a ghost before!

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If you hadn’t given me that link, I never would have known where it was. I thought it was it was as big as the one on the ceiling.

I never saw the post with the red arrow, and if you hadn’t put the red square and arrow on the picture, I probably wouldn’t have seen that tiny black thing on the black refrigerator.

Thank you for pointing it out.

And one big one too :joy:


Isn’t Halloween supposed to be scary? Because this is the cutest ghost I’ve ever seen.

Now those are easier to see, as they are closer to the light source and against the white spider web. That blacker one mostly against the black refrigerator makes it more difficult to spot.

Here’s a little tidbit I learned when I was a semi professional photographer. When you move a light source away from the subject, e.g. from 1 to 2 feet away, you might think you would have half as much light, but you end up with only a quarter as much as you originally had on the subject.

Light decreases exponentially as it moves away from the subject. The formula is, 1/distance squared, so 1/2 is .50 and squared is .25.

That’s probably way more than you ever cared to know about light.
:thinking: :crazy_face:

Hello, we didn’t have time to submit an application for participation but we also really want to participate))


No problem, guys, I got you covered. Wish you the best Halloween mood and decent competition amongst others. The Best Apartment Poll #29 has officially started! :rocket:

Dear @Lisbet, @crossmyway, @Handsdown, @Harvey98465, @Jermey39452, @John78, @Kacey16468, @Kennedi57751, @stanley

Very sorry, but asking you to cast your votes once again as I had to re-start the poll to include Premium & Standard users by default, omitting the trust level requirements for them.

Скоро я доделаю задумку!

Lisbet is in too :rofl: :rofl:

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@VHTV_James you have an error in the links: that should be the realm37

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Well, that’s bad, but we can’t edit polls after they are launched to protect it’s integrity.

Our team will triple check these next time

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