VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Welcome back after 2 year ban by the way. Enjoy your stayđŸ™đŸŒ


Merci ,Je ne vais pas hésiter , bisous

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I hope that is sarcasm?


king of it m8 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Vote here

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Devoir me surveiller h24 justifiera votre salaire, Vous devriez me remercier, sans des personnes comme moi vous n’existeriez mĂȘme pas , Bannissez moi, mais sachez que quand vous aurez banni toues les personnes qui ne pensent pas comme VHTV, vous serez au chĂŽmage , Vous ĂȘtes juste une employĂ©e qui applique des rĂšgles pas la dĂ©cisionnaire, juste respecter votre rĂŽle et ne pas ĂȘtre un petit chef sans grand pouvoir, si ce n’est celui de dĂ©noncer des membres a ses supĂ©rieurs qui eux prendront des dĂ©cisions

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no point , as this forum is an open house for ghost :ghost:, so the haunting will continue , :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Bon Voyage Goodbye GIF by Hallmark Channel


What is his problem?

Thank you, without people like you, I wouldn’t even exist :pray:t3:


Mon voyage sera beaucoup plus agrĂ©able , libre , que d’ĂȘtre enfermĂ© par VHTV

can a leader or admin move these comments over to the shit chamber i wanna help this fuka on his way :rofl:

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Welcome back @David glad to see u are back :hugs:

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Thank you but I haven’t been anywhere (as far as I know)!!! :thinking:


What I meant to say was seeing u post on here in a while sorry I didn’t mean any type of way :hugs:

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Are the previews available only for subscribers or for everyone? I ask because sometimes they are displayed and sometimes not and therefore it seems like a bug to me

Ich weiß es nicht . Ich hab nur gemerkt dass die nicht aktuell sind öfters mal oder eigentlich immer

previews are for everyone wether your subscribed or not , the only difference being you need to subscribe to remove them

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Thanks for your answer. Then it seems to be a bug that they are not displayed much more frequently and are suddenly there from time to time. I personally don’t need them

then dont say anything lol otherwise they will be there all the time and yyou will loose 1/5 th of the viewing screen to them . but therre are other ways of removing them cant go into detail but ill give you a hint “inspect” :wink:

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