VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Has the site been down? Completely? :slight_smile:

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yep :slight_smile: …10

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It seems like they made changes while VHTV was down. It seems like it’s much faster to change cams and apartments now, without any problems. :pray: :grinning:


So I am not the only one noticing it. Everything almost happens instantly

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Nothing is better than things operating smoothly. That is what we all want, is not it? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


And the Cams seem a lot clear as well, for me anyway!

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Quality seems same for me.

Well, it still shows up Oops…


WTF. Who flagged my post joking about paying for 1 hour and having 58 minutes left ? @jabbath1987 any idea somehow ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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lucious lyon wtf GIF

Wasn’t me…

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Beyond ridiculous…Wtf :roll_eyes:

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I’m more than sure it wasn’t you. We both know who’s playing those games here :laughing:


90 Day Fiance Trophy GIF by TLC

I can’t see who flagged posts. Sorry

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You weren’t mentioned. Why do you think it concerned you?


Maybe you should go and have your eyesight checked? :upside_down_face:

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What I liked about the old site I worked on I could see who did what and IPs. Use to do a lot of IP bans back in the day for the supper assclowns. This was all before VPNs but, there was AOL that some were smart enough that all the would have to do was log out of the browser, log back in and it would give them a new IP. But it didn’t take long and they would carry on with their modus operandi. It also didn’t take long for all to know exactly who it was. Some were relentless, IP ban after IP ban over and over and again.

Happy Laugh Out Loud GIF

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I am not looking forward to ban anybody. The last post I have flagged was that of this guy who has a zillion accounts and always writes the same shit about all girls being lesbians :grin:

John can be a pain in the ass sometimes but banning him I do not see at all :wink:

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