VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

he looks healthy and old enough to go on without his mommy, so no problem, if someone misses him then there will be a sign where you found him, however i think that no one would put such a little kitten out on the street

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Well, at least she recognised her mistake and said the she wants to apologise. That’s a good step

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I hope so anyway on facebook I am subscribed to various groups in my area where people put pictures of animals they have lost…so far it seems no one has made any posts…


there goes the water bill at pure kitty place

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someone please inform @mari there a flood at carl place please
thank u

are at the limit with the water in the tank if they wait a little longer they go into the bathroom with the mask and fins…

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dont they know that they going to have a shit show once that water breaches the rim and floods the bath

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At the Olympics, biology should count, not self-chosen “identity”. Anyone who can give birth to children could be considered a woman!

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Nobody is suggesting that Imane Kelief is identifying as a female. The issue is that Imane has increased levels of testerone. Imane may be suffering from Swyer Syndrome when a female has xy characteristics instead of xx in her biological make up.

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It is seriously hard for you to read or just hard to accept that the fake news you’re reading are…well FAKE.

Imane Kelief is not transgender, she is a female, born as female and lived all her life as a female, registered as female at birth.


she saved the day thanks guys

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Femke is also female.


Don’t get so upset, we’ll see how it ends in the next few days :face_with_monocle: :rofl:


And she’s also stunningly beautiful :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Man, the idea is simple: She’s a female, the only difference is that her body is producing a higher than “normal” level of testosterone. But, scientifically, it isn’t proved that this might give her an advantage, she is still a female with female characteristics.

Look at her boxing career: she lost 9 games. She has only 6 knockouts out of 41 victories…

Men should compete with men. Women with women, and if trans people want to, they should create their own associations and compete with each other, that’s all, and it will be fair or not

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And that’s exactly what is happening. Everything else is Fake News

That girl is NOT transgender, this is the Fake News spread by extremists


party at carl place

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Just ignore your lying eyes! He is definitely a SHE! It’s all FAKE NEWS! :rofl:


stop stop stop, I have a fake that’s better, of course this is how a real lady sits