VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

I agree on everything here. I no longer care to see them have sex but I do find this bolded part interesting since you believe everything is just a performance anyway.


It is a performance indeed, i stand by my opinion, but that performance is also part of the story/movie, no ? Thatā€™s how i see Vhtv, closer to a reality show than a voyeur site. My opinion off course.

Donā€™t forget that at the previous joint party Radu fucked the shit out of that porn actress, right in front of Yuneska. No biggie. Twice.

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When Flora made Dennis fuck their ā€good friendā€ Larryā€™s ass was quite memorable. This was Dennisā€™s Best VHTV Lover skills at its finest.


I agree with you, there is hardly any other participant than Flora who is so polarized ā€¦

I think Flora also holds some records:

a) the participant who never had sex with her alleged boyfriend and live-in partner. However, she has introduced all female guests to him as sex partners

b) the participant who has definitely had the most (final) VHTV break-ups ā€¦ only to come back again ā€¦

c) the participant who has the most VHTV penalties for disregarding the rules. (of the participants who have not yet been finally banned)

I agree that many girls have opened new apartments there, but the holding period of the apartments was from a few days to a few weeks ā€¦

Many apartments have barely seen the 3 month ā€¦


Haha very well put :grin::clap:


Hmmmā€¦Henry ? :wink:

What made you think that Marcel was her boyfriend ?? :face_with_monocle: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

I canā€™t argue about thisā€¦ :laughing:

I am sure that you donā€™t have a single prove supporting this statement, pure speculationā€¦

You forgot to mention about the 28 pages of saved content produced (thatā€™s just for her name )

I wasnā€™t talking only about the girls that opened apartmentsā€¦ I was talking about the total amount of girls that she brought on cams. I canā€™t think of any other participant that brought more and better looking girls than Flora did. Like it or not, this is a fact. Same for the other fact that she was always in Top 3 views (mostly number one). Those are facts, not speculations.

Nah looks can always be only a subjective opinion; never a fact :wink:

No way. Her place lately was rarely even in top 6

facts and speculations , havent any of you realised yet . although we all see the same screens , history as proven ,we all see different things ,FACT ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face:


Off course that looks is a an subjective opinion. But if you go back and check the number of similar opinions, then the situation changes, no ?

Thatā€™s true and thatā€™s because she doesnā€™t do anything lately. I was talking about the period when she had guests and parties

Well I do not want to discuss her any further. She is not really important for the site. Just a participant among hundreds of others we had so far.


Sure she didā€¦

As a (sub)manager she does her own job interviews, so no wonder that there are a lot of trash girls thereā€¦ few very pretty, but also a lot demolishedā€¦ cut themselves and so onā€¦ but hey, work for Flora an your life will be much better she tells them

over the outcome of that we do not have to argue as it is a Fact that 99% of them are gone within a few weeks

Isnā€™t this the case for the most protected managers on this site as well ? This is what i find very wrong in what you and your buddy Jabs are doing (in fairness a lot more him than you), single it out Flora as being the worst one on this site, when, in reality, others ( i would not give names, but we both know who they are, they are Jabs best buddies), are much, but much worse from that point of view. In any normal country, they wouldnā€™t see the sun for the rest of their lives for what they did here and how many lives theyā€™ve destroyedā€¦

Again, isnā€™t this the case for the others as well ?

Sorry, but I donā€™t know anything about others, purely because I hardly follow anything anymore, maybe itā€™s because Iā€™ve had a broad look behind the scenes and know how things work, or Iā€™m just tired of this format and also tired of people who always keep defending our lovely Flora while they know exactly what she is like in real life.

Anyway, if its managers had any kind of balls, they would be more involved in the ins and outs of the realms and the participants, but they remain well out of harmā€™s way, nice and close to the CEO of this event, so they can make that syrup to rub around the mouth when there has been another attack on their delicate souls


You are so funny Lukasā€¦

Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU

Anyway, you are right about how things work, we both know it very well, just donā€™t pretend that youā€™re a virgin, it isnā€™t the case.

Isnā€™t this the case for the other 2 main managers as well ? Yes, exactly the other much better protected ones here on the forum ?

Lukasā€¦seriously ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are people on here who would say that Tata is the most beautiful girl on here ever. I, for one, would argue the opposite. I know this is going to rattle some feathers, but M&H guests arenā€™t very attractive and havenā€™t been for some time. Flora has had a bunch of attractive guests.


Tonk has taken over as the main realm for good parties and eye candy


did I?
my sincere apologies about that thenā€¦

For sure i am not a virgin

Noā€¦ when the first two are around, the others are not welcome thereā€¦

I would not say Wendy is the most smashing girl. But she has natural presence. She has natural charisma. She has style. And she has class. That makes her attractive. :fire:

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Funny how this works, when theyā€™re actually laughing together about the childish and stupid but passionate arguments we have here between us :wink: :rofl: :rofl: