VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

and me as well

Wow, that is a ban and a half, I must say! I wonder who at VHTV set it (I know that doesn’t matter, I am just curious). I am not criticising it, incidentally.

i know , seems like someone needed to make a point

24 years long ban? Wow. That is a long time. :heart:

the thing is he only needs to use a vpn and create a new account . im pretty sure the maximum they can do is block his ip , wait a few days and see if a new member comes on and starts chatting in the same manner as he did . its really easy to tell if its a newbie or a ghost account as we all have our own quirks when commenting and there really hard to hide

Yeah. We will just have to wait it out a little bit and see what happens then. :slight_smile:

That is a ridiculous ban, what for for gods sake he has only been on here for 5 mins.
simply out of all proportion, k__lers don’t even get that in prison :roll_eyes:
Someones taking the piss for sure aren’t they?

And totally pointless, banned for being disruptive but can go and create a new account straight away and carry on posting

only if hes wise enough to use a different ip or ghost vpn , not everyone realises that , vhtv can block an I.P adress linked to an account

Disruptive??? Every buggers distruptive from time to time, anyway you wouldn’t get that for first offence but 24yrs is obscene.

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Unless it changed you don’t even need to do that as VHTV has previously said they don’t do IP blocking

theres a few right here right now lol

and you believe them ?

Weird thing to lie about really but without actually needing to try myself I can’t confirm or deny it’s true

You have worries… :roll_eyes:

Edit: Sorry Virgil, this shouldn’t be directed at you, but to everyone here in general…

no because unlike many , it wouldnt bother me if i got a ban as can be testified by the way i comment , im a non comformist always have been always will be

but smart enough to word my comments so they dont cross over into the no go zone lol

In the first place I think it sounds way out of all proportion, as Rob says here. :roll_eyes:

No not the maximum. Sometimes they will set a ban with no end date. So an :infinity: ban.

So they can set a ban with no time limit? No ending? Like forever? :heart: