VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

And it is off topic. So it belongs in here.

It is direct answer to a message above me?

Where is logic?

IF Answer is off topic. maybe the message im answering to is off topic too?

Iā€™m going to answer to the message one more time in a way you canā€™t delete it.

You do not understand. If a topic is steered off topic the posts get moved to here. They do not get deleted.

You also should watch your language and the way you post. Very aggressive and combative.

Dont you think that moving my messages without explanation is a agressive move in its core?

Spend 2 mins and explain to me what is wrong. Before moving my messages. You are admin/moderator whatever, its your work.

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I think it is self explanatory. I do not need to explain when I move messages in this topic here that they are off topic. Never got any problems with that :wink:


I think he is a premium user who may not be familiar with the forum rulesā€¦

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He is now suspended.

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Thatā€™s what you call
self-righteous indignation. Iā€™m not taking his side because clearly heā€™s being aggressive and is off-topic, but you could be a bit more understanding.

Iā€™m sure there are new people joining this forum everyday who certainly would not know that you move posts and why. Thatā€™s completely understandable because itā€™s not written down anywhere.

And, even if theyā€™ve been here awhile, if theyā€™ve never had a post moved for being off-topic, they still might not understand why you moved it.

Put yourself in their shoes. Donā€™t just say, itā€™s my right, my call, Iā€™ll move what I want and I donā€™t need to explain it to you.

The word you were looking for in the sentence I quoted is self-explanatory. You were close.


Which didnā€™t need to happen if Jabba had just taken two minutes to explain to him what was going on and why, instead of being defensive that someone was questioning his right to do something.

People tend to get combative and defensive, and rightfully so, when they donā€™t understand whatā€™s being done to them and why.

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EXCUSE ME :flushed: People complain about you moving messages all of the timeā€¦

Some of there complaints are not warranted I will give you that. However, there has been more than just a couple of times messages that you deemed off topic, etc. to be inaccurately moved by the VHTV moderation team. .

But I disagree to that sign :joy::joy:


I allow myself to agree with your disagreement. :heart_eyes:

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Fondue won though :laughing: You lost


Spaghetti won against Tavƫ KosieƤr to put it that way. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


For someone to win, someone has to lose. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

youā€™re great you wrote a great lineā€¦(you should write a book)ā€¦ :man_facepalming:

bravo you do well ā€¦ remember to write the Italians equals spaghetti so much and the only thing you knowā€¦

To put it this way. I am glad that Norway is not a participating part of the Euro 2024 tournament. The norwegian team would for sure only be used as a real prĆ¼gelknabe for the other nations. Sorry to say it. Just an honest view. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

That I understand fully. Still it is a legitimate and true view of point. And I am fond of Spaghetti aswell. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I am saying that even though I am norwegian. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I donā€™t do it on purpose but Iā€™m tired as an Italian always hearing the same phrases and Iā€™m not just talking about this forum but in generalā€¦ Italian equals spaghetti and other bulls__t like thatā€¦