VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

please do .seems like its needed in the forum tonight :rofl:

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no problem go easy i am not ashamed to say that i jerk off while watching sex on vhtvā€¦ :wink:


Was just thinking of that old saying concerning spades and holes? Now how does it go now? :joy: :joy: :joy:

You dirty bugger, fancy mentioning that on here Andre, i am surprised :thinking: :joy: :joy: :joy:

As far as I can remember I have called myself a wanker in hereā€¦ Luckily I was not reported for thatā€¦ :joy: :joy:

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Lucky i never saw it i may have agreed with you :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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surprised at what? (Iā€™m young and single somehow I have to satisfy my cock)ā€¦ :wink:


anyway ive appologised , lets forget about it now , probably need to apologise to him personally , not worth having bad b___d on here , there is enough fucking termites festering in the shadows without upsetting a regular , think ill drop him a pm .

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Explanation fully understood :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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you knock one out when i ever you feel the urge , my little italian friend , but please not when replying to any of my comments if you dont mind :rofl: :rofl:


Ahhhhh you old softy you :wink: always knew you had a heart of gold :crazy_face:

i said ill think not ill do . still debating it to be honest

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Hello @kaya

Can you please explain to me why this post of mine was hidden ?


Thank you


I see 8 reactions to your message between hearts and thumbs upā€¦

I am very curious to see what rules my post has broken. The post was flagged for moderator attention so i donā€™t have any explanation as why it was hidden.

I get the feeling that some sad lonely souls are boredā€¦

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I didnā€™t read the message because it was already marked the reason is very strange since they were all positive to your messageā€¦

Donā€™t see nothing wrong with your piccy at all, in fact itā€™s a very jolly picture, no ones even naked in it which is a rarity :rofl:

just showing a pic , and its in a well lit room so that rules out carlos as the flagger , maybe there is failing alcholic on the forum that got offended by the girl offering her pint up :rofl: :rofl:


I am very curious to see what Kayaā€™s going to say about this. I have an idea who might have get up from the bed on the left side today and flagged but thatā€™s not the issue, anyone can use the flagging system. The issue is that the post was actually hidden and i really want to know why.

Iā€™m guessing that someone got offended because the pint was half empty :crazy_face: :laughing: