VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

It’s just for those who probably like to have the feeling that they are getting one over on anyone else.
More of a class system in a way i suppose you could liken it to.

Yes I understood that, particularly when you referred in your first reply to me, to “the system”.

Hi there,

The criteria you aren’t meeting for next level is amount of viewed topic in last 100 days. Fortunately, other users can’t influence it.

You are right about that and you should know having been part of it at some point, I can’t say the same about others but there is nothing I would say there about someone that I wouldn’t say to them on the public forum

it was not the reason i ‘lost’ my TL3… because in that time i was nearly 24/7 on the site/forum and i did read every topic

but no need to discuss that, i don’t miss it :slight_smile:

Exactly my point, it’s what’s called honesty and not slyness.

I was told the same thing recently when I asked (privately) about my own trust level going down one ‘rung of the ladder’.

It may even have been your good self who answered accordingly. I am though, at a loss to know how we achieve this view amount requirement if there are simply topics which do not interest us. It almost seems like we are paying a penalty for not liking or being interested in certain things. The fairness of such a thing COULD be called into question and not unreasonably, could it not?

All it matters it’s quantity

Not easy (seemingly impossible) to achieve, under the current way things are being done. :frowning:

Basically it’s just a private club where you can/could slag other members off without being accused of any rule breaking or insulting behaviour :laughing:
A bit degrading don’t you think.

And not quality eh :laughing:

By the way we are not off topic as this is a chatters topic is it not?
Where i assume you can discuss anything without being accused of going off topic?

At least then it is less quality and more quantity. :hugs:

You are correct although rules do still apply, can imagine some opinions on posters changing

The viewing topics is probably the easiest, go to a topic and scroll to the bottom you don’t have to read anything and it’s classed as being read

Ah OK, well I did wonder if that might be the case and I have actually done it myself a good few times. It seems to make no significant difference though to my current level.

I wouldn’d worry David, more important things in life to worry about no doubt. :hugs:

Anyways that’s how the platform works as it’s third-party. Of course, some criterias like this one are quantitative, but on the other side, it’s easy to achieve even in some minutes.

I can also help with values user can’t change when it’s reasonable - for example, having flags for off-topic doesn’t sound really bad

So, though automated values count can never be perfect, in fact the only deal-breaker is silence and/or suspension :slight_smile:

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you don’t miss a big deal over there… been there, seen that

It’s because it’s based on other things too, posting in a certain amount of topics, getting a certain amount of likes on posts, there is a standard forum set up although that can be changed by the owner in this case VHTV