VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Now I feel embarrassed to ask myself for a date… :flushed:

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Same here (although i kind of know) :joy: :joy:

Thank you, thank you, thank you, you are my little huney. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


i apologize if i asked kaya to tell me the exact day i joined vhtv…but i didn’t want to create a trail of people asking the same things… :cry:

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Well, I was surprised that Kaya bothered to look up my registration date and I was happy about it.
Of course, she took the fact that several inquiries came with humor. So no reason for you to apologize. :wink: :hugs:

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in relation to those whom are asking for there sign up date , may i take this oppotunity to imform you that as of present there are no on going competitions as to who as been a member the longest and as such there are no prizes on offer for longevity of service , sorry to burst your bubble of expectation lol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I shouldn’t read messages like this anymore at this time of the day… the first moment I read ‘which member has the longest’

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don’t tell me so I thought I was ahead of the game and winning since I’ve been signed up since 2017…patience I’ll still go to work… :joy: :joy: :wink:

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Damn, and I thought I could finally clean up my office and enjoy retirement on an island somewhere…

There goes my dream.

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So then you are like a true veteran, eh? Not bad, I would say. :joy: :hugs:

when I first found out vhtv didn’t exist…it was called voyeur-villa…


Yes me too.

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When I first found out about VHTV I thought originally I was just going to check it out a little bit for fun. Since that I have been staying more or less put. Can`t be bad then, eh? :hugs: :hugs:


When I first found VHTV, my wife was very happy. Now she’s not anymore, when she calls for lunch and I yell back “Just a minute, the guest has just taken off her bra in the hallway!”.


Damn it, that’s me as well :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

The worst is when i forget to turn off the sound and a girl decides to have the loudest sex of her life :joy: :joy: :joy:

thats the joys of living in a large farmhouse all alone , no nagging wives or girlfriends , i can leave my comp on thats connected to a 65 inch tv sound full up and witter away my days thinking coulda woulda shoulda lol


Yeah, My wife usually then nags me not to yell such things because the kids are listening.

I answer it’s on purpose. By now my son is surely franticly looking for which realm this is. More food for me.

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This actually got me into trouble once, because of Queen. My wife thought I was watching a____l porn.

I’m not kidding.


ok honesty time if this poem relates to you click love :heart: : . if it relates to you but your embarrassed by it click :blush: and if you think it doesnt relate to you . well you may aswell click :lying_face: lets see how this goes

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i will start :heart:

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