VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Well it was about to really get off topic there. Don’t take it personally okay? :wink:

You can already read half of it and with the right scripts you can read the whole thing.
The address of the car is only available for dollars. Or on Facebook.

Why not just remove the image. It suggests that a crime may have taken place there.

I have a picture of all of it not just half. Would you like that picture. That night was a very memorable night, so I took a lot of pictures. Queen was quite the party girl and the life of the party for most of the night. Unfortunately she had a little too much fun and the night didn’t end well for her. :cry:

That was straight up hilarious!!! I don’t think I ever saw that episode. I definitely don’t remember Lurch being that animated.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

As a photo editor / re-toucher myself ( a number of years experience with Photoshop and a few other similar(ish) items of software), I can confirm that the picture has NOT been edited in the way (or anything remotely similar to it) anyone might be thinking.

The mind boggles :roll_eyes: :laughing:

Look it up…then it won’t. :roll_eyes:

Wouldn’t dare :laughing:

I just thought he might have sharpened it up and enlarged it so he could read the tag better. I haven’t seen a picture of it anywhere. Thanks for the info.

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Varifocals are the bees knees pal for us upmarket gents not that bifocal crap.
Gotta keep the standard up you know. not lower myself to peasant level :laughing:

Is there any need to try and provoke whoever you are trying to provoke?
The forum has been nice and calm the last few days I’m sure people would like it to remain that way :hugs:

So why you keep trying to change it? Follow your advice please and simply ignore me instead of making unnecessarily comments.

Thank you :hugs:

I’m not trying to change anything, it wasn’t me who created the rule, if you want to be upset then fine but I’m not the person you need to be upset with, just let it go.

You can be funny sometimes :joy: it’s a good start :slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face:

Now back on topic please :hugs:

I find it very strange and I don’t know why you are disagreeing @VHTV_James as it was you who made the rule that @john78 is upset with and dislikes, I was following your instructions in your post so would you care to point out what part you don’t agree with? My PM is open if you wish to avoid this topic going anymore off topic

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There were 0 reasons to go off-topic and you could communicate with other party in the private messages yourself. So stop picking on others and learn how to ignore things that provoke you personally. I don’t find the idea of protecting others from something objective enough to skip the step where you got personally triggered by something in the original message. So much you had to communicate about it publicly driving the thread off the topic. There is no need to discuss anything else in private in regards to this thread of messages.

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I wasn’t off topic and I wasn’t “picking” on anyone, @john78 had put a provoking message on here (below) and I asked if it was necessary, that was all, he then went off topic with his false accusations towards me

Just to help you understand, my message and pics are about Kratos’s bed, nothing to do with what you are referring to. That rule is understood, done and dusted from my side

Thank you

He wasn’t off topic and wasn’t “picking” on anyone, you had put a provoking message on here, and he asked if that was necessary, that was all, you then went off topic with your false accusations towards him and the one who created the rule.

You both were passive agressive enough, and John definitely didn’t really need to leave that message, but now you’re flirting with danger battling VHTV so please stop :melting_face:

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That was completely my point, thank you

I’m sorry but I’m not being accused of things I am not even guilty of