VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Oh wow, yes so I will!!! Thank you. As I said earlier in a post, I have to plead ignorance with certain forum related things. That is no longer one of them. :man_facepalming:

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@robwin Yes you have, by me right now!!! :laughing:


Oh, I have not been mentioned either. Such is life. :hugs: :joy:

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That plucked at the heart strings pal :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: There is a god after all :laughing:

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It was actually meant to be humorous but I am glad I touched you with it ā€¦

Edit"I am glad I touched you with it"ā€¦oops, I just realised how weird that sounded!!! :laughing:

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DeepL said this:

Not that bad at all. If you do it like that again, youā€™ll be a real pro.

He behaves so well that he actually got a ban from the forum :joy::joy:

John is not level 3 anymore, he is now back down to level 2

Wow that is impressive from DeepL

I Never knew it Shyguy but he still have the star

It seems like there is an update problem on the forum

Here is the list of current community heroes


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If you downgrade to TL-2 and the star is not activated, it will no longer be displayed in the activation option. But if it is activated, strangely enough it remains as long as the user does not explicitly log out when leaving the forum.

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I just did that (again) and itā€™s still there (somehow) :man_shrugging:

BigJock has it for monthsā€¦

Strangeā€¦ :thinking:
When I was demoted, the star was still active for me at first, but after a lockout and login again it disappearedā€¦ :crazy_face:

Might be a glitch or something. I only noticed recently, donā€™t really pay attention to thisā€¦

I didnā€™t notice it straight away either. Only when I noticed that the hero chat was suddenly no longer in the listā€¦ :sweat_smile:

I noticed recently, when i tried to edit a Topic :joy:

Congrats @Eros for community hero :clap:

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You have not missed anything in there apart from a message asking why John isnā€™t a TL3 member anymore

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To be honest as long as i can post messages, videos and images i couldnā€™t give a s__t whether i am TL 1,2 or 3 and got stars or not :laughing:
All this cosmetic stuff is just irrelevant to me.

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