V.Mary and friends

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Finalmente V.Mary sta scopando


nagging and insulting is something an intelligent person does not do

Don’t feed the troll!

Prepare you guys our saviour is here :laughing:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole



Goldilocks, TV in the realm of Agnia and Tata went. Isn’t the problem only that you have to pay for TV reception? :thinking:

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Guest “plays” with the camera and smiles…

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Pawn catcher realm


Pictures for an interpretation?
“What does the artist want to express?”

Good question: I was hoping she’d put on a show like yesterday. But back to the position on the 1st picture. (the first two pictures had already been posted) but didn’t want duplicate pictures. :neutral_face:

Cameras too slow or girls too fast… :thinking:

Anyway, everyone had fun

The girls getting very friendly.

Guy…… look like I saw him in some movies……:sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: with mustache….