
Better wait and not keep moving all the time.

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Maybe their personal circumstances do not permit that to happen.

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And every day they spend offline is a day they donā€™t earn any money. They can either wait but earn no money, then they canā€™t afford to rent the right apartment in a couple of months. Come back online now and start earning money then they can save up to rent the apartment they want.


They donā€™t have to not earn money not being on VHTVā€¦ They could always get real jobs and save up money that way. :hugs: :money_mouth_face:


Maybe in your world itā€™s very easy to just walk into another job straight away.

But if people donā€™t want to watch them online in an apartment for 2-3 months before they move again, then they can avoid watching them and watch someone else until the guys are online in their more permanent home.


Sure is, not saying they are great jobs, but there are always restaurants looking for a dishwasher or someone looking for a day laborer, etc.

No input on what type of apartment they get. My point is itā€™s pretty easy to find a job outside of VHTV if you really want one.

I know that both of them really love being on the project, and that both of them would prefer to be working on the project than working outside of it. I know that Artem is bitterly disappointed that things didnā€™t go to plan and heā€™s just as sick of the constant moving as everyone else is. Artem is doing his best to sort things out as quickly as possible.


I am not denying any of that. My original point still stands. If they want to get jobs outside of VHTV while waiting to get a new apartment they can if they really want to. There is no reason they have to not earn any money while they are offlineā€¦


I canā€™t imagine they will make so much money that will cover the cost of an additional move.

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If they want to get an interim apartment, then it is fine by me. When the alternative is for us to not see them at all then Iā€™m not sure what the problem is to us viewers?

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Assuming they reached their destination (otherwise unlikely they would have been allowed on the plane) the inflation there is about twice UKā€™s and youth unemployment about 19%. Not impossible to find work but their own first language is not the first language spoken there. Important they connect with the local diaspora there for mutual support I would have thought.


I hope he bring some beautiful girl whether it is for short term or long! missed old Artem with girls!

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Might take him some time. Took him about a month to find Vulpix and Gothita and that was in his own country.

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Those who have coins to donate could donate to assist when apartment on line.

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Hoping the lads are back this week. Failing this an update would be helpful.

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Nice work Tavares. If this is their new pad it looks quite spacious.

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Omgā€¦canā€™t wait to see themā€¦thanks tavares

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It was on december 17th

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A friend of mine had the information the day before yesterday. I asked him if it was in the same time zone if it was close to Roza or Pasha and he said it was far from both. And now Iā€™m going out with my twins for Christmas dinner. :hugs: