Ah, normal service has been resumed. Ghotita is wearing a top with the words XANAX on it. This is a d__g for treating anxiety and depression but often misused to get a high. This does not of course mean that she is taking it and I hope she isn’t, but if she is, she should guard against prolonged usage as it could become dangerous.
I wouldn’t read too much into that. Artem wears one which reads “Acid-Tubbies”. I doubt he’s into either the Teletubbies (from which his shirt slogan originates) or ‘acid’.
I certainly hope he’s not into the latter anyway!
Gothita bought Artem the same t-shirt but his is in white.
He used to wear a Linkin Park t-shirt all the time. But I don’t think he’s a fan of the group, I have not heard him listen to their music. I think they just see t-shirts they like in the shops and buy them, without understanding the English alphabet words written on them.
Oh yes I remember that Linkin Park one. That was actually a very well known one, for those of us watching him as regularly as I know you and I do.
And there was I hoping that Artem and Tristan were going to help Gothita tonight with her ski training. Oh well.
And I thought his cock will be the candle
Unfortunately this time, there was only partial bathing, he shared more than now, then he returned to shyness and amphibious mode, and avoiding images
(I had more hope in her)
Especially when you compare with Cydea and Cinderella where you can literally see every freckle.
Yes, they’re wonderful, but these types of women are at a much higher level, comparing the 1st category with the 3rd category
I suspect that Leafy could be a difficult girl to live with 06:19:17 cam 4.
Harmony already has her apartment
Every working day of the week, Leafy gets up around 6 a.m. She probably have a decent job. However, I’m starting to worry that it’s past 9 p.m. according to local time and he hasn’t arrived yet. I think she’ll really only come in sometimes, even though I’m starting to like she
Yes, come back to do the same thing over and over again
Rather than playing games on their mobiles, a little group masturbation might not go amiss?
Only if Gothita moves to the living room.
Count me out. Anyway, I don’t think they are gays.
No they aren’t, but then there’s no chance of an Artem, Tristan, Gothita group masturbation either.