Good job! If u don t like pink saturation, u can change it a bit!
btw don t worry abt underwear color
Strange for all the guests to depart at once. Perhaps Artem forgot to clear with VH beforehand.
All were cleared. Samat & Eevee have been appearing for a month, Eevee was cleared back then. Samat has been on the project before earlier in the year when he was at Bono’s old apartment. Samat & Eevee have left now and it may be a long while before you see them again. Leafy will be back soon.
They should get an apartment
I suppose it depends on if they want one and if they can afford one.
Also Artem will be away for a week from tomorrow. When he returns next week I’m sure Gothita will visit again.
Well, it hasn’t been possible to see the rest of the body yet, but there, has been one more beautiful exception
Recently, except (Vulpix), of course, she was the only one that got these good exceptions
So good to see Gothita again. It would be nice if Vulpix could visit in Artem’s absence, maybe company/mentor for Leafy.
If there is an alternation, I won’t call it of course