
Unless they are banned from any realm, I suppose.

Not from me anymore. This time I will not do the same error to renew my subscription. And this time itā€™s not a joke. This site is becoming a fake site. Thereā€™s no respect to subscribers and fans.

ADIL said VHTV banned contact on Telegram.
Thatā€™s why he left the fan group.

What!?!? But VHTV has their own Telegram. When VHTV had a Twitter profile they didnā€™t ban participants from having their own Twitter profile.In fact they promoted participantsā€™ Twitter profiles. That makes no sense at all. :see_no_evil: :man_facepalming:t2: :confounded:

That does seem rather odd, doesnā€™t it?! :confused:

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Yeah something isnā€™t quite right. There are other participants that currently have Telegramsā€¦

Yes, Artem for example still has one, as far as I am aware (I am happy to be corrected if that isnā€™t the case).

If Adil was a girl,VHTV didnā€™t bannedā€¦

Artem isnā€™t a girl and didnā€™t get banned so your logic makes no senseā€¦

Artem left the project, thatā€™s why he can use Telegram (I think)

Adil is still on . I just saw him cuddling with Artemā€¦ So not banned

Or maybe Adil is a lair, or the logic of VH has no senseā€¦ Tell me something logic VHTV did in these last years

ummm collect our money???

They collected a lot of money from us, yesā€¦


I wanna say another thingā€¦ I think something not normal happened if Artem has chosen to leave the project. His apartment wasnā€™t the same in this last month. For me it was unwatchable. Too many people coming and going.
I donā€™t know now the rule of Artem in Adil house. But watching him hugging Adil is the only thing I like,even if itā€™s made by fake script.


I donā€™t think you will find that HE has chosen to leave. There are likely to be other people (one in particular) involved in that decision, sadly. :cry:

Maybe he was tired to follow a script from managerā€¦ Thatā€™s what I can think

Not sure what ā€œscriptā€ you are referring to but that wasnā€™t my point. I was talking about him most likely being required to leaveā€¦if indeed he has.

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