Relocation time… She arrived just before the realm went offline…
Artem has apparently ‘Left the project’ What like Tristan & Siora left? So can we expect to see him to s___p rough at all the other +7 apartments or has he really left??
I don’t care much about Artem, but I hope to see Molly in some realms
She will not he took her to his private island…. and they will live happily there….
Musical chairs again I think
Is that Viktor running on the beach?
We can hope but I doubt it
Everybody is going to stay at Poppy’s
Is that Siora running after Mr Crusty?
That’s why he invited the thug for a party he knew he was leaving, I bet the plaster is off his arm now
We all know negative attention is better than no attention
tristan siora went squatting at coquelicot they are often there for cam sex
It’s marked left the project so for the time being no more Artem
He must have been
disappointed: the thug just went there to _____ and s___p…
True love shows itself in strange ways sometimes
Not long ago had just reached 1 year with the project, if I am correct
Interesting that he would leave the project without saying goodbye to all of his loyal fans…
Artem why you leave us?!?!?
I suspect he just did that when invited the homophobic guy again