
guten morgen meine VHT Freunde

Good morning to you and Trisha’s beautiful box! :hugs: :sunny: :package:

jezt hat auch kaya mich verlssen schade schade

Dying Laughing Lol GIF by Animation Domination High-Def

liebe VHT Freunde wenn ihr etwas von Trisha wisst bitte schreibt es hier im Forum ich habe keine Verbindung mehr zum VHT Service Team

She has not returned to realm 67 yet. But she will. That is all we know for now. :hugs:

You do not recognize how much you make a fool out of yourself? :joy: :joy:

Can’t you as an operator pause the topic till Trisha returns?

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I can. But then the stalker will spam in a different topic

du bist sehr freundlich

da ist sie noch fröhlich

I’d like to see trisha again too
however you’d better wait for her to come back without posting it in the forum every day

Trisha will be back in a new place? When she is ready!

All Grayces complaining is more likely to delay things!

I agree with you the problem is that he doesn’t understand
(he and practically all the people registered on the forum have told him that) 

I think he?she? does understand, but doesn’t care! It is his way or the highway!

No one else matters , ONLY His opinion!
:rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rage:

Is it possible, that he is so anxious for her to return quickly , because he enjoys seeing her suffer?

Yes, all that complaining is more likely to put the return on hold. So I agree. :heart:

I don’t think it’s like that
let’s say he has an obsession with her because maybe he likes her too much

Yeah, I have also been thinking that. It is reasonably likely. :hugs: