
I think once would have been enough for me to reconsider my methods!

Me too, but lucky for us we’re not on cam :yum:

Yes I agree with tatts or no tatts Trisha will always look pretty and beautiful :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That is one statement I can totally agree with. :hugs:

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I can actually imagine both of those scenarios. But I am also known for having a coloured fantasy to say the least. I am rather glad for that myself. :slight_smile: :heart_eyes: :hugs:

A Shave that at times no one has seen ?

But there were also these beautiful images (improved the situation)

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Ryder, Tanija and another (new?) girl visiting

I don’t remember seeing her before

She seems new to me.

The same for me :hugs:

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You have a limited amount of time. Don`t waste that time by living someone elses life. :slight_smile: Quote Steve Jobs :slight_smile:

Who is that girl?

hello Trisha, your guests get _____ and won’t let you s___p because they know exactly that you have to go to work, I think

Hallo Trisha, deine Gäste betrinken sich und lassen dich nicht schlafen, weil sie genau wissen, dass du arbeiten must das finde ich unfähr

Who is this little fellow ? :smirk_cat: :heart_eyes_cat:


See him? :cat2: :smiley_cat:

“I thought I saw a pussy cat! I did!” :hugs:

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brought her today

who knows the guests who are with Trisha knows the jemanx