Zou Trisha niet beter professionele hulp zoeken ?
Is triestig om haar zo te zien lijden
I believe she has. She had medicine (pills) and cream. I don’t think the _____ing is helping.
I can only hope she can find some other Medication that will help. I also hope that the people at her Realm look after her. JMO.
First She did see a doctor recently, her care is in her own hands!
We all know she is suffering, but I believe she knows that we care and wish her to recover and be happy with her life!
At this point I think the best we could do is stop commenting on it all the time!
Don’t understand the language but it sounded a tad intense.
yep …10
Don’t understand the language neither, but heard the word musica or similar,
and balize, guess that means police.
So I suppose, the man was complaining because of noise … possibly. jmo.
Could be, I did hear Trisha yelling really loud in the toilet a little before and it was fairly early in the morning. We’ve all heard how loud that little woman can get when she’s pissed off! . Considering it was Saturday the guy may have been a weeee but upset being woken up that early on his day off. But I will say this, it was funny in a way watching her stand up to a guy big enough to squash her like a bug!
A little like fayebulous lil Trisha David against loud-tall Goliath
I still like Fayebulous best, Tanya.
I should probably rename her to Trishabous.
Uh, you left out a syllable Trishabulous !
Yes, that was really good. Even better. Trishabulous! Great!
How about Trishalicious
With greetings from Trisha…
I would love to send a … but it has probably burned so much for her in the last few weeks that seems to be better