he succeeded last night.
Welcome back Trisha.
Back up on her feet again. That is very good.
Glad to see Trisha back
Oh gosh, she’s in catastrophic pain in the toilet
It looks like she is viggely wagging a lot. When she is walking. Like some sort of Donald Duck. In lack of a better expression.
J’adore trisha, mais elle semble encore beaucoup gênée par ses problèmes!!! Et surtout je trouve qu’elle se comporte différemment, plus aucune pudeur, en état de surexcitation permanente, sans doute lié aux puissantes drogues qu’on lui donne pour calmer les douleurs, Ca m’attriste beaucoup
J’espére que son retour n’est pas un peu trop prématuré❤️
Hopefully it is not too early. I understand your concern.
She is still scratching her snatch in the butt. So it is easy to recognize her.
Elle ne peut plus serrer les jambes, Je ne sais pas si son retour et de sa volonté ou pas, et je ne le saurais jamais… Mais il me paraît “immorale” qu’on la laisse faire du “show” ici dans cet état:heart:
Trisha still doing her duck walking impressions and itching i see?
Well visually she’s no different now than when she left rather sad to see her like it.
Certainly can’t be very comfortable.
Yeah. Sadly you are quite absolutely correct. She is kind of Viggely Wagging like Donald Duck.
So he deserves a name. Named him Ulric
Toilet cam will stay deactivated til Trisha feels better. We should respect her wish for privacy there. So no need to do a ticket why the cam is no longer there.