
why are you shocked? your the one that probably removed their names from the wiki @jabbath1987

Juste un dĂ©but sans parler des changements de nom des appartements en nom gĂ©nĂ©rique ,Si cela continue nous n’aurons plus des participants mais juste des invitĂ©s Ă  plus ou moins long terme
Interchangeable à souhait selon le rapport financier qu’ils apportent ou pas,

Nope I did not remove Connor and Wynona.

seems like the right hand doesn’t know what the left hands doing recenrlty :joy:

Conner was there first on list, but My copy missed him otherwise it would have gone beyond what I was trying to display, possible mouse problem.

Ah I did not check if your list was actually complete.

Wynona is still missing, or hasn’t she visited Flora yet? :thinking:

She might have slipped through as she only visited for very short time. :wink:

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She may have changed her name :laughing:

Les managers ne doivent pas aimer que nous aimions trop une participante. car au final ce sont nous qui faisons la pluie et le beau temps d’un appartement, en la visionnant ou pas et là dans ce cas 
 ils ne gùrent plus mais doivent subir!!!

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Would anyone even notice her visiting if she didn’t get fucked?

Obviously you did. So the answer is YES.

That was about Wynona I think, and no I never noticed her at all, not my cup of tea, so to speak.

You do realize this whole thing is getting stupid now, right :question:

She changed it to Wynot


I think she may earn her new name soon, then we will need one for this guy!

How about Apollo, just to keep the Greek god relationship.


Pourquoi lui donner un nom??? puisque dĂ©sormais ce ne sont que des matricules que l’on envoie ici ou ailleurs juste dans le but de faire des vues!!! Le meilleur que nous puissions faire pour Ă©viter cela et surtout de ne pas les visionner, juste les ignorer

We already have an Apollo over in the Alida apartment one of Henry’s past crowd.

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How are the dynamic couple Kevin and Karina getting on? not looked in at them lately as they seemed to have returned to their old boring ways thanks to Kevin no doubt.

Apparemment ils se portent bien!!! Je finis par me demander si l’un ou l’autre ne sont fils ou fille d’un manager ou d’un dirigeant de Vhtv???:joy::joy: