sorry but we can leave aside whether it is free or not (health care) of different countries…
Lmao that’s what I said to begin with…
I don’t need to check that because I’ve been confronted with this situation often enough. Health insurance covers the costs. In this respect, it is of course “free” for the patient.
If a patient does not have health insurance, they must pay for the costs themselves. If he has no income, the social welfare office covers the costs. But the patient transport is paid for in any case.
He uses Romanian Google. Maybe that version has extra answers we don’t know about?
I’m pulling out of this discussion…I’ve already realized that it goes on all night…
Quoiqu’il en soit des différents pays… je tiens à les remercier et à leur dire Merci… Dans mon village de 2500 habitants, j’ai eu plusieurs fois recours à leur service… en 10 minutes ils sont chez vous même en plein milieu de la nuit et ce ne sont que des volontaires… ils arrivent … font un point … et si besoin appellent les urgences de l’hôpital qui arrivent avec une ambulance et un médecin qualifié 10 minutes plus tard
Good afternoon! Trisha has a hereditary disease that even doctors can’t help with, she needs to _____ the paink__ler that we gave her and try to s___p or endure the pain until morning, unfortunately (We are experiencing much more at the moment and all we can do right now is just wait! We hope for your moral support for trisha
you can be sure of that!
En España es gratis, en Madrid esta el Samur (Servcio de Asistencia Municipal de Urgencia) tambien gratis se gestiona con ayuntamiento de Madrid
MERCI Kevin de prendre la parole pour nous donner des nouvelles…
Nous avons été tous très inquiet de son état … en espérant que les médecins trouveront rapidement un traitement afin que cela cesse… Cela devenait insupportable à voir…
Lets get all this c___dish bull s__t out the way shall we, nothing is free as it is is either paid for out of general taxation except for those country’s that also run a separate medical insurance system.
Not too difficult to understand is it even for Seth.
It’s actually John who is struggling to understand what you are saying
I will also help with your dispute, then we have a free ambulance, as well as a trip to the hospital to see a doctor! We wanted to call her ourselves, but unfortunately they won’t help in any way(
The only straight forward thing we can offer her is proper moral support until she hopefully will return within some time, I suppose.
Apparemment on lui a juste donner des calmants pour qu’elle oublie la douleur ,mais est restée dans l’appartement… Il me semble qu’une hospitalisation afin de faire des examens complémentaires seraient nécessaire…!!!
Well, if what you are pointing out is or in a way will be a prioritized health care issue for her at her current state, then hopefully she will be properly offered just that. That is the only thing we all can hope for at the present time.
Thank you Kevin.
Did Trishas realm just disappear for anyone else?
I can’t find it anywhere in the list all of the sudden!
Je m’en tiens juste aux propos de Kevin, qui est en premier lieu pour mieux analyser la sitution que nous qui sommes devenu aveugle de cet appartement…
Thanks for the info, @Kevin.
I wish Trisha all the best and hope she gets through this somehow. In any case, she has my moral support.
Get well soon @Trisha_old_account