

Das ist aber nicht der typ mit dem sie vor zwei tagen gefickt hat oder?

That’s the “man without hair”. They’ve grown a bit now… :joy:

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His name is Damon,

he seemed to become Trisha’s “new” friend, but he comes and goes,

in my opinion

his behaviour is more than suspicious or rather miraculous.

Trisha fucked him a couple of times.

To be honest, I’d rather see him go than come…

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Amen to that, mate. Amen to that… :hugs:

Salvatore Dali and Trisha. An artist, and a work of art. Nice. It almost couldn’t be better :heart:


Today technical issues. Isn`t Henry manager for this realm? Now get to work! :roll_eyes:


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This looks like a phat black eye.

Scheint eine drauf bekommen zu haben der typ :wink::+1:

Someone got punched in the face…

Nee Andre was tegen de hoek van een ronde tafel :rofl: :rofl:

lo spigolo di un tavolo rotondo? :joy: :joy: fammi pensare te lo dico dopo… :joy: :joy:

@WARIO I have the solution a round table has no corners… (I am promoted) :joy: :joy: :joy:

heel zeker , je stijgt in rangorde :rofl:

He’s trying out his halloween - make-up :rofl: :rofl:

When Henry sat on his couch with Pia watching Trisha in bedroom, he suddenly burst out laughing, wonder what he saw. :joy: :joy:


Today OFFLINE (2nd time), yesterday technical issues, Monday ISP problems?? :fire: