
I mean like here:

with this symbol:


Or is the black optics only a design thing??

Just figured, that now I can’t open my own link directly, it takes several tries, and the corsur gets behind the word Trisha in brackets blinking.

If I click on the word TRISHA, i get “the image couldn’t be loaded bla bla”

Something is different. :thinking: :thinking:

At least for now it looks like the dog does not get the proper care it needs. :heart:

Never had notice that :rofl: but seems it’s does the same pressing where i press (time passed after posting) or in that symbol

Kind of weird, the first is ok, and the second only clicking on the arrow … Well forum have a lot of bugs, probably just another one

I don’t think this applies to all high-rise residents. Unfortunately, a____ls are only bought to pass the time or because it’s IN. Only Kano will wean the woolly boy from using this toilet. And, I hope Trisha tells her what to do

A very good reason not to have them then as most of the time the participants are fast as___p or just lazing around.

The original text was missing various capital letters in the required places, so auto-translators might have struggled.
The text is: “Do you think we users don’t know what you’re always doing behind the curtain when you come out with your nosy cleaning? This will end badly.”

No comment about the grammar ! :smiley:

Come on, wake up!!! :dog2: :joy: :dog2:

That argument about buying an a____l just to get the time passing or because it is IN, is not a valid argument to own an a____l in the first place. JMO. :heart:

Stimme dir voll zu. Aber wir wissen wie es ist. Denken wir an Weihnachten, oder jetzt die zurückliegende Coronnazeit. Wo in Deutschland z.B viele Tiere angeschafft worden sind. Zum Zeitvertreib. Viele von diesen armen Lebewesen sind wieder im Tierheim gelandet.
Soll nicht heißen, dass bei Trisha oder überhaupt bei vhtv es schlechte Tierhalter gibt.

I totally agree with you here. :heart:

Yes, I have picked that information up at an earlier point. :hugs: :slight_smile:

Has anyone else noticed that @Grayce86908 disappeared again about the same time The Man Without Hair left Trisha’s realm? I hope it is just a coincidence and nothing nefarious has happened.

Grayce are you doing ok? :pleading_face: I miss your expert analysis of what is happening in Trisha’s kingdom. I also miss all of the beautiful images of Trish you used to bestow upon us. :hugs:


Turn on the sound

Peach’s Roza & Edrym’s dog would cry like that except much loader when left alone. One time they left Peach’s at their old realm for weeks before they moved him to their new realm. At least the lights are left on. Peach’s would be left in the dark without any light… :pensive: :dog:

Kano left two minutes before I was admitted…

I just found it particularly sad because the dog was already before begging for attention and Kano was ignoring him.

Snoopy is doing same thing, but after a while gets over it.