
He just said that they might be doing things behind the curtain that could possibly also be done in the toilet in Henry’s apartment.
It’s all pure speculation, of course

Henry’s toilet is favourite too imo



Wow, do we have a new little friend here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


He’s really cuddly… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Ist der kleine neue Freund nur zur Untermiete? Oder ein neues Familienmitglied?
Spannend :laughing:

So ein kleiner Staubfänger passt zu ihr. :laughing:

Yes, I fully agree with you. But I bet that small dog can bark louder than her. :laughing:

Da wäre ich mir nicht so sicher. Trisha kann, glaube ich auch ganz schön bellen :laughing: Das sollten sie mal testen :sunglasses:

Noone walks the dog, so it s__ts into the wardrobe and bedroom.

Once Kano took care of it, but if the dog doesn’t get trained to poop on that tissue, the place will be f-ed up pretty soon.

It’ll be fun watching first time Trisha steps into it barefoot.

I think that dog will take Trisha to her limits.

If the dog is lucky, Kano will take care of it.

How the hell can they take care of pets if they are always b___dy s___ping, absolutely disgusting state. :roll_eyes:

… and with all the inconvenience about the poop on the floor, it’s the a____l that’s suffering.

Misha is constantly begging to get some attention, and is getting bored out of it’s little mind.

Started to chew the shoes already, in lack of anything else to do. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Many of these pets shouldn’t be allowed in the apartments, they can hardly take care of themselves let alone having pets as well.
Many of them are becoming a b___dy zoo :roll_eyes:

In general for Trisha I would think a pet isn’t bad at all, as of to have a mental support,… if …

… it had an on/off-switch. :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe so but high rise apartment block living isn’t exactly conducive to housing a____ls. :roll_eyes:

forhang vs. Vorhang :wink:

Have to get some toys for the pet:


or get the right pet, a rabbit for example:

That’s a good idea and have pellet s__t all over the floor :joy: