
Just for the sensitive souls, who obviously need to get a life, I have modified one word :joy:
I do hope they haven’t been too severely traumatised by my original post :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Dynamic actions from the room - Tisha moved from her back to her belly

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Well, she usually has no problem bringing messages forward when she wants to. Pretty loudly too I might add. :hugs: :slight_smile:

And that usually means… Some action coming up pretty soon? Right? :slight_smile:

Well, speaking on my own behalf I would like to say that for me that type of things is no problem. Not traumatised. Just continue to bring it on. :hugs: :slight_smile:

Lunch brake over. Back to work? :rofl:

kann bitte mal einer schauen bei trisha henry und alida und greta setzen alle camss immer aus

Back to work or something else again! There seems to be some ISP issues in som of the realms.

There seems to be an ongoing problem sometimes with the ISP issues. Not that it means so much or is very significant though. :hugs:

It might be a regional problem ?

Yeah, it can be for example. I am absolutely no expert within this narrowed area. So your guess is pretty much as good as mine. :hugs: :slight_smile:

wird an den 3 wohnungen wegen isp gearbeitet

hat jemand die 3 wohnungen gemeldwt ich habe keinen zugriff auf den support mite meldet doch das bitte

Support ink is at the bottom of the page or else use this…

no use for him :wink: the support doesn’t react to him anymore since he annoyed them too much because of his constant inquiries about trisha :grin:

es sind nur Henrys Wohnungen, er ist irgendwo seid heute Morgen in einer neuen Wohnung zum Kamera installieren ich hoffe nur dass er nicht soviel gesoffen hat und jetzt kein Durchblick mit dem Server mehr hat!

Whatever but they should still provide the service they are meant to provide.
