
There were occasions, when Stefan tried to fuck Trisha, but had to break and went to the shower, to “service” his dick, somehow I was under the impression, that as much as Trisha had/has her snatch-problem ( which still lets her get horny ), Stefan might have had a dick-problem, speaking of physical condition.

Of course I don’t know it, but that was my observation, on wich my opinion is founded.

And no, I didn’t ask support about it.

wenn ich ein scwanz problem habe dann darf ich nicht in so ein projekt gehen lieber stefan dann geh zum arzt

Well, he left, what else??

So then we can assume that he is at a doctors appointment. For all I know. :hugs: :hugs:

No, we can assume, that he’s gone, and there is no (at least to me) indication of what he’s doing, except videophoning Trisha every now and then.

Yes, that is also a valid option too. Absolutely. For all I know. :slight_smile:

habe trisha öfters son eine höhere spende gesendet habe die letzen 2 spenden keine reaktion gesehen ob sie diese auch bekommen hat da hat kaya mir immer noch geschrieben aber er antwortet mir nicht mehr das ist sehr schade

Und du wunderst dich ernsthaft darüber das dir keiner schreibt? :rofl::+1:

was willst du denn von mir ?

wenn man was sendet bedankt man sich normal

Richtig :+1: ich finde sie sollte beim nächsten mal wenn sie gefickt wird deinen namen stöhnen als Dankeschön :rofl:

IT was nothing like that m8 .Stefan is Trishas step brother and used this appartment to get it on because when they lived together at home they had sexuall feelings for each other , and the reason Stefan left was because there ma and pa heard roumours they was living together and got very angry and ordererd Stefan to return home so they could keep them seperate , and that final suck n fuck prob there best to date was a parting gift to each other .Now doesnt this scenario sound a much better version for this kind of forum :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Why didn’t you tell that Stefan’s dad has left and his step-mom also wanted to have some fun? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That can be your scenario m8 , over to you ,lol

[Camren117434 du bist ein schwäzer der keinen anstand hat

Besser ein schwäzer ohne anstand als ein mensch der den bezug zur realen welt verloren hat :wink:

[Camren117434] eine sehr schlechte kindererziehung gehabt du bist so naiv

GIF by Star Wars

@Grayce86908 Just been informed by Zues that Trisha is leaving 31st September . she will be moving to the Novodevichy Convent as a practitioner to begin with for 3 months ,then she will move over to Dogfart to become a leading actress , hope this doesnt cause you to much distress :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: