
I just called Trisha and asked what’s going on. She says she forgot to pay the internet bill. :laughing:

Tell her to hurry up and pay people’s waiting here :rofl::rofl:

I tagged her in the comment so she will see and let us no soon

hallo Morchi wird sie wieder online gehen frage sie doch bitte mal

He was just having a joke he does not no none of us do

das forum ist nicht da leute zu verarschen [Mohrch

Most people who read Mohrchi’s post would realise that it was a tongue in cheek comment to be taken with a pinch of salt.

It’s the language barrier for Grayce I think

hallo iain weist du warum sie offlie ist sie sollen halt schreiben wegen technik oder ips oder verassen das projekt dann weis man was aber nur offlinedas sagt doch nichts aus

I think that you are right there, which is a shame. As I know Mohrchi would never knowingly mislead anyone in a post.

100 percent agree

Yes I seconded that about Mohrchi :slightly_smiling_face:

also weis keiner warum schade das keiner bei vht nachfragt ich habe leider keinen zugriff zu vht fragt halt doch doch einer mal nach

Sorry I don’t know why she is off line. It could be due to a number of reasons (technically) that Trisha or VHTV don’t know. It may be as simple as someone outside of the realm (Gas/Electricity/Water) companies mistakenly cutting through the cable. While carrying out unrelated repairs. I hope this helps

aber iain vht muss doch wissen was für ein prblem vorliegt ob stromaussfall oder internet störung vor liegt

iain frag doch bei vht mal nach bitte

without sounding flippant , as you know i have been a good defender of you in the past ,when others where having a go at you , but think this episode by you in trying to find out whats going on is really taking it just to far. i have been a member of this forum almost from the begining and have learned to realise that they will only tell you what you need to know , if it was anything serious im pretty sure they would let us know , i understand how trisha not being online affects you as you are probably her most followed fans , may i suggest you accept it for what it is ,just a short hiccup in your viewing passion,it could be something as simple as she a visitors/family who dont wish to be on camera .

Trisha is back online.
Sometimes you just have to be patient. :+1:

Now I am pretty sure at least Grayce is happy. :hugs: :slight_smile: