
I do like to see Gerda with Henry…Mira’s boyfriends are here , so I guess she is not far away.

Another soap story coming up here…Gerda is in love (not difficult to see) , will she be prepared to share him??

mira ist im schlafzimmer

henry ist ein super typ der hat trisha sehr schnell eine neue realm besorgt nach ihrer real 67 schliessung die sehr böse menschen ihr das an getan haben also henry danke für deine hilfe



Henry must be practicing to be a livestock agent , he as a few heiffers in his stable now ,shame the bulls dont live upto expectation :rofl:

Sorry for asking, but does Trisha’s friend have a name yet?

He earned one in Henry’s place in the last two days tmo.

If not, how would Krisha sound??



they should just be careful not to break the bed again… :joy: :joy: :joy:

Ich bin nicht sicher, aber ich denke er heißt Stefan

Yes right. And he is already on the guest list.

i think henry needs to let mira loose to do what SHE wants and stop getting involved when mira does get at it with another guy



Henry seems to have found himself a right old slapper now then which he must be so pleased about :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

aint they all slappers m8

Oohhh i would never suggest that pal, but on second thoughts you may well be right :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



Cut the damn lights on.

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Where did Henry go with that chick ?