
what’s happening

Désolé mais cette fille est en train de devenir complétement folle face au comportement d’isidore … même K&K d’ordinaire si peu présent ont compris le probléme,

Steamin,bevvied,rat arsed,guttered also :rofl:

So did Faye first come on scene at the kindergarten house(sorry can’t remember the other names it has had)? If so was she named by the viewers or was that the name she came in with? If she was named by the viewers then when she left and came back why did she have the same name? She has had the same name from beginning untill now and all of a sudden her name has changed was that her decision or vhtv’s decision?

A little tip, take a look at the video archive … then you will find the answer …

to which part of my ?'s

We weren’t given the reasons for the name changes and won’t either.

I understand that just wanted to know who changed her name

For that i don’t know

Officiellement une erreur dans le contrat …Si c’est la cas réellement on aurait pu changer le nom de Faye en Fayes par exemple… mais je pense qu’un certain couple voulait tourner la page avec ce personnage qui lui résistait

@Trisha_old_account l’appartement est à ton nom @isidore n’a plus rien à y rester… qu’il élise domicile chez @Flora … là où il semblre plus heureux

Peux-tu écrire en anglais? C’est la norme sur ce forum

J’ai écrit en anglais au départ mais on me l’a reproché car pour certain cela faisait 2 traductions et déformé le texte original…:blush:

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You know how dumb this argument is right?? It really doesn’t matter if he is sick, _____, s___p deprived, etc. It is clear Wayne is suffering and not doing well. Whatever it is that is causing him to be in this state, what is important is that he is able to rest and get better.

He needs a sweet new girl. He just needs to stay away from the porn star. If Trisha can help him with that, she’ll be doing a good job.

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That’s like going from the frying pan straight into the fire

wtf… I understand you want he go back to porn star and apologise.

Lol, no, not at all. By the way, the word pornstar it’s not even close to the reality…

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Katrina and Kevin getting back in their old boring ways i see.