Maybe the weight loss?
The former Shana looked healthier than todays version. Yeah, that might be it. She looks thinner really.
BCC without Kano present? What the hell? Something is wrong here.
The boss kicked him out.
Looks like people are getting ready to leave.
Hope Rofan doesn’t count on Trisha, I don’t see that happen.
Well, Henry has fingerbanged both Shana and Trisha from before already.
But he also had fingerbanged Julia several times. Henry wants more no matter what.
He is undoubtedly an incurable sex addict.
Wouldn’t be much fun here without them either. He’s not the only one!
No, luckily he is not the only one. It would be one dimension lost and definitely more boring here without them. That is for sure.
Kano eats leftovers in the kitchen and is it Trisha who has stolen Nerina’s bed?
Shana and Loki went back to their old apartment with H&M, old memories, but now it looks like they’re going home!?
Maybe we will see some action there also then, or what? Who knows?
There is plenty of action to choose from elsewhere anyway, so no problem.
Well, someone had to test it !!!
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