Trisha & Klaus (Part II)


[quote=“Kade181727, post:1402, topic:32296”]
I just looked in and saw Trisha in the living room. And thought it was just yesterday that someone was wondering when she would be back. It’s nice to see her and looking well. I would love to see her back fulltime…but with some of what we saw before she left…only if she has that all sorted out. And I’m not talking about the her medical condition down south. Those of us that have been around forever and a day all know that is not an STD but will require life time treatment.

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Selim and Hanno

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What a motley crew :laughing:

(That will confuse my pal @Tyrese69961 :joy: )


Now i recognise Trisha :joy:

I see they had to put a blanket down to cover that biohazard of a couch so Mira and Tashia could sit bare assed on it.

She recognized me immediately… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well, in norwegian motley means socalled brokete. Or messy. Messy means socalled rotete in norwegian. Another word in english to describe it can be untidy. That means socalled uryddig in norwegian. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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Elisha and Shana with Karel and Loki


Another pretty good word to describe motley can be unorganized. That actually means uorganisert in norwegian. :heart_eyes:


Bare assed must be absolutely perfect for what is the ultimate goal at this platform. Or what do you say, huh? :heart_eyes: :fire:

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is Elisha pregnant?

In english also " unusual mixed group". That could apply to the band as well! :hugs:

Yes. In english you actually have a luxury problem with the fact that several words actually can have the same meaning. Unorganized is also quite a good word to describe motley. That means uorganisert in norwegian. Not very far from the english word. English and Norwegian really is not that far apart from eachother. That is my absolute conviction. :slight_smile:

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Yes, lots of similarities - our shared Viking heritage!

Yes, and I am actually quite proud to be able to type, write and speak english at this platform and forum. That is an absolute pleasure for me. :slightly_smiling_face: :fire:

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Evolved into a housewarming party for Julia ! :thinking:

Only housewarming huh? That does not lead to any funny activities ultimately. Although tonights gang definitely has a great potential. :fire: :slightly_smiling_face:

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