Realm off Line !!!
Big idiot pulled a plug to insert the speaker.
Because the cams send with time-delay, you can only see how he goes there, but it’s obvious what he did.
ticket sent
It’s 2-3 Realms that participants think Realm is a hotel sitting on a couch all day looking at cameras or playing with their cell phone They think without doing anything that they will have viewers just for their beauty
PS They can do whatever they want but they not going to last long
back online. Thx to support
@Tristin212335, I suppose the facepalm was for the idiot that pulled the plug and not for me
I guess they will get fined for the cameras
I remember that another realm (Lesley) got fined because some visitors placed towels in front of cams, obviously not knowing what the consequences were, so I consider it possible here too.
But that’s up to VHTV.
I give the guy the credit of the doubt, that he wasn’t aware what he was causing.
Yes, I don’t think it was Nerina’s fault, I saw the video
and her cameras were covered by the _____ Guest
But she has to be careful because she will pay the fines
The cutie guest girl is just a guest girl for now right? No name?
Why are they wearing masks and stuff? I have seen several guys wearing pandemic masks. Seems just a little stupid and off the grid to me. Not necessary.