Changed the hair style slightly.
They were both behind the curtain in the room, which gives access to the balcony. I was checking the timeline and I believe Kano went to deliver “rosemary tea”, Trisha in the post I made, made the payment. I could be wrong
Trisha has gained weight, right?
maybe a little bit but not even that much…anyway being behind klaus who is always thrown in bed eating and sleeping…he is young but the way he acts he looks like those 80 year olds who can’t do anything anymore…
Trisha has one fine asset!
It may just be me or just the picture(s)/lighting but Kano don’t look well
I have thoughts about his leg injury and how he got it. Nothing is confirmed, but considering the amount of time he was away I think he was serving in the army. So my mind turns to the demons many of us have experienced when we come home from having been in battle. Some have a much harder time that others.
If it’s not just the picture(s)/lighting and what I perceive I’m seeing he may be having health issue, be it in body and or mental heath (that can create its own set of issues with body health).
And then I could be reading way to much into this as it’s easy to misinterpret something from a picture(s) like this without knowing the facts
You’re right he doesn’t look well. Maybe it’s the injury to the leg, but he walks just as badly even though he uses a cane and no longer uses crutches. He seems “down” and pale!