Trisha & Klaus (Part II)

Hopefully Kano will take a hike

There is so much nostalgic history attached to that sofa at realm 62 as it is. So based on that the best thing is probabably to just let it stay there as it is. I suppose. :kissing_heart:

Sorry pal but it’s past it’s sell by date and falling apart. Nerina is only able using the end bit.
She needs her own bed back now.

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Yes, it is falling apart. As I also have quite lyrically pointed out in different ways. So that is ultimately correct. :hugs:

All the repair men were only interested in getting their leg over whoever was in residence at the time :rofl:

If there were to be produced a movie about exactly that, then the title would be something like: Yet another victim of naughty carpenters. :joy:

Nerina, welcome! :heart:
Good luck and have fun in this flat.
And it’s exciting to see what will happen here in the near future. And in which direction it will develop. Have fun :hugs:

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Bienvenu Ă  toi Nerida
J’espĂšre de tout cƓur que cet appartement retrouve les fĂȘtes d’antan. Et tant pis pour les pisse-froid et les grenouilles de bĂ©nitier qui trouvent toujours Ă  redire. Nous sommes lĂ  pour mater, le joli corps de Nerida en action.

How about Paolo and Chantal ?? :joy: :joy:

Why not a girlfriend or both ?? :wink:

If that were to be the case, then there would be three girls present there after all. I certainly would not mind such a sight. :hugs:


I was wondering where Una was over night, because she wasn’t visible.

Found out, there is a cage in the hall, at the blind spot.

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Maybe Nerina will reveal a hidden room, a mystery to be solved



Can you see the whiff of mystery in the background and the lost soul of a snoopy-t_____ed old friend? :rofl: :rofl:


Do you have a new favorite girl? :wink::hugs:

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I like her, and everybody new has to be properly introduced. :wink: :wink:


I have several favorite girls in here. Never lacked of that either. :hugs: :wink:

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I think the hallway needs a second cam? Anyone else agree?

Not particularly, it’s only a coat stand on the wall or similar in that area, now a dog cage as well apparently.
Don’t worry you ain’t missing nothing in that area :laughing: