Trisha wants being careful or she may get Kano exciited, never get the bugger out of bed then
Oh well, we can hope. Thanks for looking, Kade. Much appreciated.
Never understood the attraction of watching anyone pee to be honest.
It just reminds me that I gotta to go to the bathroom
I mentioned before, that people signaled they like it, which I don’t share, but accept from others.
Same when I once mentioned, that I like naked girls with tanlines, and someone else meant WTF.
To each their own.
Thanks anyways! The only reason I like seeing females pee is they think its a private thing to do as where guys they dont care if anyone really sees them or not
Sometimes I do wonder when Kano gets excited in the first place. At least now and then.
Kano thinks and ponders, where could my next assignment be as a stopgap.
Well, as I have said a few times before: Where there is a bed, then Kano surely and definitely just is there.
Yep. I actually sometimes like stretch marks and cellulite.
He has his own inbuilt bed homing device with free being the top option
She is, those b___dy tats ain’t
As long as you are on about tats and not tits.
Didn’t think my spelling was that b___dy bad pal, or is it your eyes
Well I can only go by what my eyes go to first pal.
( . ) ( . )
Unfortunately all i see first is a mass of b___dy ink, once i get past that the rest is good