Tonk & Ryry (Part 2)

No i think it’s naoimi


Yeah I checked timeline. You’re right. They both have something for each other. She left her guy and slept with Terrance the other night as well.


Martha and Terrance are having a chat in the kitchen loggia


Do it first ask for forgiveness later :rofl:

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Yes, Ryry and Martha are sleeping in Martha’s room.


Umm - Tonk now left Horney and seems to be trying to engage Ryry lovingly in Martha’s bed. Begs the question what has been happening tonight - none of the three seem very happy.


Those who don’t know Russian probably won’t understand it either. Quite possibly the most important dialogue took place in Ryra’s bedroom with Horney around 02.20. As I say, someone should explain what the girls said to each other. I just think it would be a big mistake if Tonk went away from Ryry.

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well for the most part they were just getting to know each other and general things about opinions life,and past stories.

after 02:20 they started throwing some shits towards Tonk ( they dint name him and i dont know his name to confirm this, but they address him as he)

something that Horney thought that they were kinda together with Ryry but kinda also not together, but than she learned that they had sex with Ryry after he had sex with Horney ( can someone confirm this?)

also Horney said that she read in comentaries something that poeple was complaining about and the next time he change it. (was any talkng about condom in the forum here? and did Tonk used condom the first time with Horney and than he stop using it? )bottom line is she read some complains told him something he change something and condom was used in the sentence).

  1. what the fuck is happening with timeline?

No. The condom debate was between Art and Ravenna (Different apartment)

What is the problem?

Of course. But I think that won’t happen at all.

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than why Horney was involved or read it? could she have something to do with Art? cause she said that she told him about some complain ( my guess is about the condom) and the next time he didnt use it??? :confused: :confused: :confused: well anyway go figure out…

timeline is jumping around completely chaotic .

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Well Arts place is kind of the “sister apartment” of that one. And as she reads the forums as you said I am pretty sure she read there too.

I have no problems there.

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this is the moment when Tonk is in very deep shit and i’m super qurious how he gonna get out of it, i even kinda feel him… the moment you really want something so much but cant justify it as a right thing.


Actually, I don’t know if Tonk & Ryry are a real couple. But if Tonk leaves Ryry, then it begs the question? How long before he leaves Horney?


Any more details? :wink:

well i got tired listening and breaking my ears trying to catch what is possible.
plus the timeline jumping is very annoying.

bottom line is.

  1. Horney wont play the third wheel. she clearly stated this wont be happening,he needs to decide.she is not willing to have something with someone that his gf or half gf is in the same place, but no harsh feelings she said she can attend parties but she will have nothing sexual with Tonk.

  2. Tonk is very confuse what to do, he kinda was hoping to keep them both. but he needs to decide what to do. also i got the feeling he is immature. dude either you have open realithinship and go official with it or just stay single or fuking monogamus. you cant have everything, get down from whatever high level you have put your self.

  3. Ryry wants to be with Tonk and she is alrightish if he fucks other girls.

so my conclusion is Tonks likes Horney but i believe he likes to have Ryrys control more.

for the viewer stand point the best is he to keep Horney and give an apartment to Ryry and Martha.

for Tonk stand point by me is Horney has lot of “Values” so there wont be crazy parties so project wise this wont work for long time. so she is not smart choice.

but same time Horney has lot of succes can he afford to loose her? :confused:

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and after me spending two hours back and fourth trying to understan everything i go live to see this.

either Tonk already made a decision that he stays with Horney or her so strong statement about her prinsipals just flew out of the window.

anyway Moon is very angry for waisting his time and feels fool from listening to Horney and actualy believing her words.
i better see Ryry packing by the next days for her new apartment.


So pretty much a movie plot. It’s Ryry & Tonk are farmers and a girl from the city comes. Tonk falls in love, but he doesn’t know that the girl from the city just wants money. Maybe there’s some inaccuracies about Tonk being a womanizer, etc. So how long will the city girl last? Will another city girl show up?


Or Horney dumps him. Tonk could end up losing them both. Can’t say that I feel sorry for him. He’s in a mess of his own making.


That look.

Martha and Ryry will be a great couple.


Horney is an absolutely amazing woman, both visually and sexually. But she also has a serious disadvantage: she drinks quite a lot and then loses control, as we saw in one of the last partxs. It didn’t take much for her to have sex with one of the guys. Before, Terrence also had his hands on her breast. And when I come into an apartment where two women and a man live, I first clarify the status before I approach the man. I would have asked other guests at one of the parties if Tonk and Ryry were together. Giving Ryry his own apartment is not a good idea, it’s too quiet for that. Tonk is in love now but he should think carefully about what he has at the moment. He loves parties and other girls and with Horney as a girlfriend it would only be stressful if he cheated on her. I hope everyone stays together because it’s the best apartment for me. But we’ll see