Tonk & Ryry (Part 2)

Nor I! It can only get better if Ryry stays on VHTV, perhaps in her own appt :grinning:


Now, that’s something I can agree with!


Even better if she gets an apartment with her sister


Why not ? It is obvious that Tonk doesn’t have any interest in her (for a long time now), so what’s the point on her staying here in this apartment ?

P.S: Johnson wasn’t implying Ryry leaving from Vhtv but leaving from this apartment…


I did agree with her getting her own apartment.

There’s no way you could know that. You can’t even infer that from what he said. He simply said she should leave.

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Johnson was responding to your comment about Horney causing trouble in this home (not true) by saying that what is happening is not because of Horney but because of Tonk losing interest in Ryry ( totally true by the way). Going further, the only logical thing to happen is Ryry leaving (moving on with her life) and not Horney, no ?


And why is it you think he lost interest in Ryry? Horney is the source of the trouble in this house (totally true), along with Tonk, of course. The only logical thing to happen is for Horney to get lost…permanently.

Ryry’s name is on this apartment, not Horney’s. Horney. Needs. To. Go!


If his interest in Ryry wasn’t totally dead, we were not talking about Horney at all, it is this simple. In fact, Tonk has chosen Horney long time ago and it’s totally his right (either we like it or not)

I assume that you forgot one major aspect here: This is Tonk’s apartment not Ryry’s, so again, the only one to move on it’s her…


it might be time for you to take some time off the site

I don’t think I even understand what you mean by this sentence. Long before you even entered this conversation I’ve been talking about Horney throughout. He lost interest in Ryry when Horney appeared on the scene.

Ryry’s name is also on this apartment. That makes it equally her apartment, too.

Absolutely not. Horny needs to go. If Tonk wants to go with her, that’s okay, too. He no longer deserves this apartment, anyway. The only people to stay should be Ryry and Martha.

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Excuse me!!

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Not true, In fact he never had a REAL interest in Ryry, but mostly a business relationship…

Not true, Tonk has the apartment, Ryry was only upgraded from being a guest to being a participant

About the last part, there is not much to say other that it is very subjective and not realistic at all. More like your wish list i’ll say. I can only tell you something: Ryry was supposed to leave some months ago ( this are her words in one of their many conversations from the bedroom) :slightly_smiling_face:


Obviously we don’t agree, and never will, and that’s fine. I’ve said all I’m going to say.


Man, this is not about me and you agreeing or being a Ryry fan or not.

I’m simply telling you the facts of how things stand in this apartment because (from your comments) i can easily see that you have a very unrealistic perception. Again, Tonk & Ryry are not an item, Tonk has the apartment, Tonk chose Horney a long time ago, Ryry was supposed to leave anyway…

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Awesome Design GIF by SamuelC

Personally, I wouldn’t want to commit myself to who Tonk has chosen. For Ryry or Horney. I just had the impression that Ryry and Tonk were already a couple before the move to this realm.
After the move, Horney came to a party here and Tonk got horny for Horney and more or less had sex in front of Ryry. Which Ryry didn’t like. And the disagreements began.
Because in my eyes, Tonk wanted to have an open relationship with both girls. Which neither of the ladies wanted. And Tonk is now sitting there like a watered poodle and can’t call either of the women his own at the moment.
As I said, that’s my perception and opinion. And that’s why I think Tonk wanted both of them at the same time and gambled with Ryry and Horney. :thinking: :hugs:

Well, Tonk gets horny for almost every single girl crossing the entrance :crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Say it much more simply … Tonk fucks every girl who doesn’t say no.


They weren’t there if they were saying no :crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl:

